Friday, June 28, 2013

Intel was introduce first 8051 micro controller which is 8-bit.then after it was developed enhance version of 8051 which is 8052 controller.also introduce ROM less version of 8051 which is 8031.following table give difference between them. Comparison Between 8051,8052 & 8031 controller ...
addressing mode of  8051 micro-controller what is addressing mode? CPU access data from memory,register,immediate value.These various  way to access data are called addressing mode. The 8051 micro-controller are five addressing mode. immediate register direct register indirect index Immediate: in this addressing mode source operand is constant. it's come after op code in instruction. it must be preceded by "#" . its used to load data into register. examples: MOV A,#32H                                        ...
IC  of 8051 microcntroller are 40 pins with DIP(dual in package).32 pins of controller used as I/O pins to read and write data from peripheral device as well as to connect external device with microcontroller.there are four ports(P0,P1,P2 & P3) in micro controller.each ports contain 8pins within.each port work as I/O ports.upon reset configure all port work as input ports.  PORT 0 (P0.0 TO P0.7). Pin No :32 to 39. work as input...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

RS-232 connector why we need it? we always need to communication between peripheral device and computer.there are two ways of communication. 1.serial communication. serial communication one bit transmit at time. it's used for long distance. telephone line we used serial communication. less expensive then parallel 2.parallel communication. in this 8 bits are transmitted at time. its used for short distance. costly then serial communication....

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

how to install android apps(apk) in your mobile without Internet in your phone your web browser and free web in which free android apps available. 2.then click on apps. 3.then following pages open. 4.then select your categories.                                                            ...

Monday, June 24, 2013

steps to write program in Keil u version4 on installed keil uversion 4. 2.if any project was open then close it first. 3.then create new project.  4.then give name to file and save it.  5.then select the devices from given lists.  6.then target file generated. 7.then click on new and write source code. 8. after writing source code save file with give extension(i.e:.asm,.c). 9.add...

Sunday, June 23, 2013

fig:block diagram of 8051    micro controller is single chip on which timer,counter,serial port,I/O ports,oscillator,memory in built.Intel was found 8051 micro controller in 1981 with in built memory in 8051 micro controller 4KB ROM,128byte RAM,2 timer/counter,crystal oscillator,4 I/O ports are inbuilt.the 8051 family controller is eight bit with 40 pins IC.   feature: eight bit CPU each register A and B. PC(program counter) and...

Friday, June 21, 2013

samsung galaxy mega 6.3 I9200 samsung launch new smart phone with widest display. in this phone display 6.3 inch large with TFT capacitive touch with HD 1280*720 this phone two camera primary camera 8 MP while secondray camera 1.9 MP with LED flash,auto focusing feature. its has 1.7 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400, Dual Core with OS android v4.2.2(jelly bean). key feature     8 MP Primary Camera    ...
best five ways to get easy Google adsense account approval.   1. 1.It is one of the free blogging service platforms from Google to create sub domain blog with extension of “”. 2.Here you can upload free images, videos, articles and documents by creating a blog. here u can get free blogger template. open account click on blogger. 2.Docstoc 1.Docstoc is an electronics documents repository and online...

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

following are steps which help you to install keil. 1) open this web 2) filled the form and submit it. 3) then following page open 4) then click on C51V95AA.EXE file 5) then click on save file and download this file. 6) double click on downloaded file c51v951a. 7) click on next. 8) accept the license agreement  9) then click on next  10) then store program file in particular driver. 11)...
there are following point which differentiate between microcontroller and microprocessor. micro controller: block diagram of micro controller its special purpose computer. its used only for specific task its single integrated chip(IC ) on timer,counter,I/O ports,oscillator,serial communication port all connected. fixed amount of RAM,ROM inbuilt chip some version of controller connected PROM,EPROM,EEPROM few addressing modes in controller few...
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